Nepal Super League 2021
Nepal Super League 2021
2021-04-28 | Dasharath Stadium | Played
FC Chitwan
George Prince Karki ( 15' ),
Tek Bahadur Budhathoki ( 19' ),
Butwal Lumbini FC
Ashish Lama ( 32' ),
Laxman Ruchal ( 65' ),
Attendance: 0


Two minutes of added time.
Good chance for FC Chitwan. Goran with his shot, ball goves little above thebar from close range.
10 mins remaining on the clock.
Butwal Lumbini FC players celebrating the equalizer.

20 mins remaining on the clock. It's 2-2.
GOAL! poor goalkeeping from Bishal Sunar. Laxman Ruchal puts the ball into the net. It's 2-2.
30 mins left on the clock. FC Chitwan are leading 2-1.
Free kick to Butwal Lumbini FC. Poor kick is taken.
Corner kick to Butwal Lumbini FC. Not that proper one.
Second half starts..
HALF TIME. Stick with us for second half action.
Five minutes remaining for a break.
GOAL! Butwal Lumbini FC cuts the deficit. Aasish Lama scores with a long ranger.
30 mins gone, FC Chitwan are 2-0 up against Butwal Lumbini FC.
Not good display from Butwal Lumbini FC today.
Good move from Butwal Lumbini, Armand hits the crossbar. Bad luck to Butwal Lumbini FC.
20 mins gone, FC Chitwan are already 2-0 up.
GOAL! poor defending from Butwal Lumbini FC. Tek Bahadur Budhathoki scores utilizing a cross from Simata Thapa and poor defending. FC Chitwan are 2-0 up.
GOAL! FC Chitwan takes a lead. George Prince Karki scores utilizing a cross from Goran.
10 mins gone, both teams are goalless.
Slow affair from both sides. No such notable moves so far.
Corner kick to Butwal Lumbini FC, quick one but poor shot is taken by foreign recruit.
Butwal Lumbini FC are in red shirts while FC Chitwan are in white.
We are all set to go. Both teams are ready to enter the field.
Both teams are warming up for the match.
Which team are you supporting today?
Both teams have arrived at the stadium. They will start warm up session soon.
Hello and Namaste. Welcome to you all from Dasharath stadium.