SAFF Suzuki Cup 2018
SAFF Suzuki Cup 2018
2018-09-12 | Bangabandhu | Played
Abdul Ghani ( 10' ),
Ibrahim Waheed ( 84' ),
Ibrahim Waheed ( 86' ),
Attendance: 3000

FULL TIME. Maldives beats Nepal 3-0 to enter FINAL.
GOAL! another sloppy defensive game from Nepal. Ibrahim scores again.
GOAL! Ibrahim Waheed scores for Maldives. Very very poor defensive game from Nepal.
Just 10 mins left on the clock. Nepal 0 Maldives 1.
Good chance for Nepal, Nawayug fails to connect with the ball with his slider inside Maldives box.
Nawayug Shrestha tries his luck from outside the box, not in the proper target.
Time is ticking away, Nepal are trailing by a goal.
Good attempt from Sunil Bal, ball goes away little above the bar.
Sunil Bal moves with the ball, he crosses for Nawayug but latter fail to understand the ball. Goalie saves the ball.
Anjan Bista tries his luck from outside the box but not in the proper target.
Two quick changes from Nepal.
Anjan Bista IN, Bharat Khawas OUT
Nirajan Khadka OUT, Nawayug Shrestha IN
Free kick to Nepal. Bimal Gharti fumbles, brilliant chance is wasted.
Dangerous counter move from Maldives, Rohit does his best to thwart the attack.
Nirajan Khadka is yellow carded for a foul.
Suman Aryal looks nervous, he is beaten, oh hoo One vs One, Brilliant save by goalie Kiran Chemjong.
Nepal survives a GOAL here !
Corner kick to Nepal. Bimal takes the kick, Sunil flicks the ball but Suman fails to find the ball inside the box.
Second half starts...
HALF TIME. Maldives 1 Nepal 0.
Four minutes of added time.
Four minutes of added time. Maldives 1 Nepal 0.
Nepal are playing much better game, putting Maldives under pressure.
Oh hooo ! BHARAAAAAAT ! WHAT A MISS ! Nepal should have equalized here.
Gorkhalis are putting immense pressure on Islanders.
Much better display after heavy thunderstorm. Gorkhalis are pressing hard for an equalier.
Come cheli, need your Teej prayers..
Nepal have regrouped themselves. Playing better game. Soggy field has disturbed them to play their short passing game.
Sunil Bal crosses the ball from right flank, Maldives goalie easily saves the ball.
Sunil Bal crosses the ball, good chance here but goalie punches the ball out for a corner kick. Again, poor kick. Nepal must utilize these set pieces.
Corner kick to Nepal. Poor corner kick is taken. No problem to Maldives goalie.
Match resumes after 30 mins break.
Match resumes after 30 mins break.
Match is stopped due to heavy thunderstorm.
Maldives are threatning on counter moves. Ananta Tamang slides well to thwart the cross.
Free kick to Maldives from same position where they scored. This time, goalie Chemjong blocks the kick. Maldivian player fail to utilize rebounded ball.
Free kick to Nepal. Sunil Bal takes the kick, on target but front liners fail to utilize the chance.
20 mins gone, Nepal are trailing by a goal. Due to rainfall, Nepal is unable to show their passing game. Free kick to Nepal. Bimal takes the kick, ball goes wide from the target.
Confusion in Nepal defense line, Nirajan Khadka hardly clears the ball from danger zone.
It is raining here in Dhaka, field is soggy. Bharat drives the ball, straight to the hands of Maldivian goalie.
Confidence level in team Nepal doesn't look nice. Players' body language doesn't suggest good.
Free kick to Maldives just outside the box, Abdul Ghani, skipper, takes the kick, GOAL! Suman Aryal fails to read the ball, that dodges goalie Kiran Chemjong too. Maldives are 1-0 up.
Bharat moves to get the ball upfront, Maldives goalie saves the ball easily.
Brief shower here in Dhaka. Bimal Gharti Magar is caught offside.
Aditya Chaudhary looks injured in the every second minute while clearing the ball from D-box.
Players are out from dressing rooms. They are warming up for resumption.
No thunderstorm now. We will wait the update from the match commissioner.
This is awesome. Three ladies have travelled all the way from Kathmandu to Dhaka to support brave gorkhalis.

We are 20 mins away from kick off. You must be excited for this match. Aren't you?
Both teams are now warming up for the match.
Dilan Perera from Sri Lanka is the referee of the match.
GK: Kiran Chemjong
DFs: Ananta Tamang, Aditya Chaudhary, Suman Aryal, Dinesh Rajbanshi
MFs: Sujal Shrestha, Sunil Bal, Nirajan Khadka, Rohit Chand,
FWs: Bimal Gharti Magar, Bharat Khawas (C)
Both teams are about to start their warm up session.
Both teams are about to leave team hotel for the stadium.
Hello and Namaste. Welcome to you all from Dhaka, Bangladesh.