Nepal Super League 2021
Nepal Super League 2021
2021-05-12 | Dasharath Stadium | Played
Attendance: 0
FULL TIME. Lakhey beats Butwal Lumbini FC to confirm "SEMIS" against Kathmandu RayZrs. Thanks for being with us.
Four minutes of added time.
Anjan Bista misses a great chance in goal mouth melee.
Just 5 mins left, can Butwal Lumbini FC level the score ?
10 mins left on the clock. Lakhey are 1-0 up.
William hits the woodwork, bad luck for Butwal.
15 min remaining on the clock. Lakhey are 1-0 up.
GOAL.GOAL! Lakhey are 1-0 up against Bataulians. Skipper Anjan Bista scores through diving header.
We are ten minutes into the match, both teams are goalless.
Second half starts..
HALF TIME. 0-0. Stick with us for second half action.
Three minutes of added time.
What a chance. William's shot is blocked by goalie Arpan Karki, Aashish Lama fails to convert the chance.
Five minutes remaining for a break. Both teams are goalless.
Good move from Anjan Bista, good attempt from edge of the box, goalie Bishal blocks the shot.
Nice punch out from goalie Arpan Karki. Corner kick to Butwal, good punch in, William wastes the chance.
Long ranger from Anjan Bista, ball goes little wide from the pole.
Dona Thapa passes the ball to Nurlan, powerful shot is blocked by goalie Bishal Shrestha.
Free kick to Lalitpur, Arik Bista shoots the ball straight to the hands of goalie Bishal Shrestha.
Corner kick to Butwal, Laxman Ruchal takes the kick, easy catch for goalie Arpan Karki.
Free kick to Butwal, lovely kick is taken by William, goalir Arpan Karki punches the ball in.
20 mins gone, both teams are goalless.
William tries his luck for Butwal Lumbini, shot goes off target.
The condition of the field doesn't look nice with non-stop play and frequent rain fall
Good chance for Lalitpur City FC. Dona Thapa misses a great chance. What a poor shot from close range.
Laxman Ruchal is yellow carded for a foul. First yellow card of the match.
Which team are you rooting for ?
Lakhey are in white shirt, Bataulians are in red shirt.
Butwal Lumbini FC: Bishal Shrestha (GK), Laxman Ruchal, Aashish Lama, Biras Maharjan, William, Nurain, Suman Lama, Rabi Thapa, Abhisek Rijal, Chetan Kumar Tharu, Jaya Gurung
Lalitpur City FC: Anjan Bista (C), Arik Bista, Arpan Karki {(GK), Kamal Shrestha,Pravesh Danuwar, Nurlan, Peter Segun, Mikchen Tamang, Dona Thapa, Bimal Rana, Palsanf Lama
Both teams have arrived the stadium and they are warming up.
Hello and Namaste. Welcome to you all from Dasharath stadium.