Nepal Super League 2021
Nepal Super League 2021
2021-05-05 | Dasharath Stadium | Played
Attendance: 0
Seven minutes of added time.
10 minutes left on the clock. Dhangadhi FC are 1-0 up.
GOALLLLLLL!!! Darshan Gurung scores. DFTC are 1-0 up!!
Tanka Basnet enters field in place of Nishan Limbu.
Pujan Uperkoti substitutes Rupesh KC.
Thirty minutes remaining, goalless draw so far.
Substitution for PTFC. Ayush Ghalan is relaced by Sujit Budathoki.
Corner kick to DFC, Saujan Rai takes the kick, it is easily cleared by header.
Nawayug Shrestha is yellow carded.
Second half starts..
HALF TIME. Both teams are goalless.
Three minutes of added time.
Five minutes remaining for a break. Both teams are goalless.
Corner kick to dhangadhi FC. Bishal Rai takes the kick, not that good one.
Drab affair so far at Dasharath stadium.
Good chance for Dhangadhi. Olawale's kick is well saved by Padam Tamang.
20 mins gone, both teams are goalless.
Which team are you rooting for?
Olawale Afeez looks in discomfort. Team physio is called.
Free kick to PTFC, Padam Tamang dodges, Moussa takes the kick but hits on the forest of legs.
Free kick to Dhangadhi FC. Not that proper one. Easy clearance for PT defenders.
National anthem is done, team pics are taken. We are seconds away from KO
Both teams are now entering the field.
Both teams have arrived at the stadium and are warming up for the match.