4th Mai Valley Gold Cup
4th Mai Valley Gold Cup
2018-04-21 | Ilam | Live | Referee: Prakash Nath Shrestha
Attendance: 3000
FULL TIME. United sikkim FC wins the match 1-0 against Sankata Club to enter quarterfinals.
Yellow card to karan Rai.
Six minutes of added time.
Jibrel heads the corner ball, inches above the cross bar. Sankata seems unlucky here.
Suraj BK's free kick is cleared by Indrajeet Chettri. USFC goalie looks injured here.Medical team is called in.
USFC players is lying down. He looks fine after receiving medical treatment.
Suraj BK beats two defender, he is with the ball insid ethe box, can he level the score? Poor shot!
Free kick to USFC, Karan Rai's shot goes too above the cross bar.
Free kick to Sankata, Maxwell goes for flick header, USFC goalie Urgen clears the threat.
Ten minutes remaining, USFC are 1-0 up!
Twenty minutes remaining, United Sikkim FC are 1-0 up against Sankata Club. Can Sankata come back to the game?
USFC goalie Urgen Pintso Sherpa makes one hand save on Santa Gurung's shot.
USFC goalie Urgen looks injured. He looks fine now.
Dipesh Ale Magar fails to finish the ball in an empty post.
Sanjay Chettri's powerful shot is hardly saved by Binay Shrestha.
Free kick to Sankata, the ball goes out after hitting the woodwork.
Thirty minutes remaining, United Sikkim FC are 1-0 up!
Ten minutes into second half, Sankata Club 0 United Sikkim FC 1.
Second Half Begins. USFC are 1-0 against Sankata Club.
HALF TIME. USFC are 1-0 up against Sankata Club.
Poor corner kick by Bishwo Adhikari, straight to the hands of USFC goalie.
Two minutes of added time.
Bishwo Adhikari takes the corner kick.
Free kick to Sankata Club, Prakash Budathoki's shot on target is punched out by USFC goalie. Corner kick!
Five minutes remaining for half time break, USFC are 1-0 up against Sankata Club. Can Sanakta level the score before going for the lemon break?
Corner kick to USFC, Sanjay Chettri curls the ball, Kilip finds the ball, goalie Binay Shrestha hardly saves the ball.
GOALLLL!!! Sanjay Chettri scores for United Sikkim FC. USFC are 1-0 up!!
sanjay Chettri crosses the ball, Kunal Rai fails to finish the ball, Rai can't believe it, Sankata goalie Binay Shrestha saves the ball.
Thirty minutes gone, Sankata Club 0 United Sikkim FC 0. Which team do you think will score first?
Prakash Budathoki's shot from just outside the box goes out of the frame.
USFC has squandered another beautiful chance here as Sanjay Chettri shoots out of the target.
Free kick to USFC in a good position, Pappu Chettri takes the kick, free header from Karan Rai, not in proper direction. USFC wastes a beautiful chance
We can see locals supporting USFC.
Free kick to Sankata, Prakash Budathoki shoots the ball out of frame.
Ten minutes gone, both teams are goalless.
Indrajeet's left shot is easily cleared by Sankata goalie Binaya Shrestha.
Peep! Match kicks off.
USFC will play against Nepal Army Club in the third quarterfinal match on Baisakh 12.
Durgapur Steel, Kolkata will face Nepal Police Club in the last quarterfinal match tomorrow.
USFC goalie Urgen Pintso Sherpa is announced the man of the match. He is awarded with Rs.10,000.
Referee Prakash Nath Shrestha is officiating the match.
Now, the national anthem of India.
National anthem of Nepal echoes...
USFC first XI: Urgen Pintso Sherpa(GK), Kunal Tamang, Palsang Lama(C), Pappu Chettri, Kilip Barfungpa, Roshan Pradhan, Tshering Zangpo Tamang, Prashant Chettri, Sanjay Chettri, Indrajeet Chettri, Karan Rai.
Sankata are in blue kit white USFC are in white jersey and black shorts.
FIFA anthem echoes. Both teams are entering pitch in the tune.
Sankata Club starting XI: Binay Shrestha(GK), Ravi Silwal(C), Ernest, Saroj Dahal, Suraj BK, Bishwo Adhikari, Jibrel, Prakash Budathoki, Saujan Rai, Maxwell, Dipesh Ale Magar.
Both teams have completed their warm up session.
The teams have begun their warm up session.
Both teams have already arrived here at match venue.
This is the third quarterfinal match of 4th Mai Valley Gold Cup.
Hello and Namaskar!! GoalNepal.com welcomes you all to the LIVE text commentary of Sankata Club Vs United Sikkim FC.