In a surprising turn of events, renowned forward Bimal Gharti Magar, who recently embarked on a journey to Australia, is set to make a significant return to the football scene as he gears up to participate in the upcoming second edition of the Nepal Super League (NSL), scheduled to kick off on November 8.
Bimal Gharti Magar has committed his talent to FC Chitwan for the NSL season.
The official social media channels of FC Chitwan have made a noteworthy announcement, confirming Bimal's acquisition as an iconic player for their squad. Taking to his own social media platforms, Bimal personally shared his decision to join the Super League, reflecting on life's ebbs and flows.
He emphasized the growing responsibilities and practical considerations that come with age, all while maintaining his profound love and dedication to his homeland. His aspiration to secure a bright future for himself and his family led him to choose Australia.
Nevertheless, Bimal expressed profound gratitude to Chitwan FC for extending the golden opportunity to represent his country in the Nepal Super League as an iconic player.
In closing, Bimal extended his heartfelt appreciation to his well-wishers and supporters. It's worth noting that Chitwan FC boasts goalkeeper Bishal Shrestha as their marquee player and Khalid Jamil as their head coach, rounding out a promising lineup for the upcoming NSL season.
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