Qatar Airways A Div League 2019/20
Qatar Airways A Div League 2019/20
2019-12-18 | ANFA Complex | Played | Referee: Sudis Pandey
Attendance: 200
TSC 0 JYC 0. Just 10 mins to go.
30 mins left on the clock. TSC 0 JYC 0.
Second half starts..
HALF TIME. 0-0. Stick with us.
Five minutes to go.
JYC is not that lowly team. They can pose threat to all teams in this league.
30 mins gone, both teams are goalless.
10 mins gone, TSC 0 JYC 0. Which team are you rooting for ?
Ananta is back to his feet. Match resumes.
TSC defender Ananta Tamang looks injured while clearing the ball inside the box. Team physio is called.
Both teams are entering the field in the tune of FIFA anthem. This must be an exciting match.
Both teams are now warming up for the match.
JYC: Arun Singh, Kuldip Karki (C), Rup Bahadur Lama, Adama Doumba, Fode Fofona, Dady Wamba, Dilan Loktam, Sugit Budhathoki, Sinat Thapa, Bijaya Ghalan
TSC: Ananta Tamang, Susan Shrestha, Prabin Sainju, Priso Njanga (GK), Ailuoladriran Erinoso, Wasiladiran Hazmat, Mikchhen Tamang, Rupesh KC, Sushil Rai, Ashok Khawas, Bikram Lama (C)
This is Lalitpur derby at ANFA complex. Stars are playing against Zoo Keepers !
Hello and Namaste. Welcome to you all from ANFA complex.