News Premier International School To Take Part I 2023 ISF World School Futsal Championship

Prakas Kumar Kusari 'Samrat,' Acting Member Secretary, extended his best wishes to the Nepali squad set to participate in the 2023 ISF World School Championship Futsal, scheduled to take place in Belgrade, Serbia.

This farewell ceremony, held at the National Sports Council on Tuesday, included the symbolic presentation of the Nepali flag to the team.

Guided by General Secretary of the Nepal School Sports Federation, Rajkumar Karki, the team heading to Serbia will be under the tutelage of Ankit Shrestha as the coach.

The squad consists of talented players, namely Saidip Dahal, Saryan Puri, Sugat Shrestha, Syamir Shrestha, Syayum Shrestha, Rajat Shrestha, and Tenzing Dawa Lama.

The competition is scheduled to take place from the 21st to the 30th of Ashoj.

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