The first Khairhani Gold Cup football tournament, which was scheduled to start from Saturday, Ashoj 1st, under the organization of Bipanna Utthan Manch, Khairhani-3, Chitwan, has been postponed. Rishi Thapa Magar, chairman of the organizing committee informed that the opening date of the competition has been postponed to Ashoj 4th due to adverse weather conditions.
In the tournament's opening match to be held at Khairhani Mavi, the organizer Bipanna Utthan Manch and Arunkhola United were scheduled to meet. With the postponement of the opening date, it has been decided that the closing program of the competition, which was scheduled to last until Ashoj 16, will also be postponed.
The competition winner will receive three lakh rupees in cash along with the title, while the runner-up will receive 150,000. is also the official media partner of the tournament.
In addition, all the tournament matches will be broadcast live by GoalNepal.