Qatar Airways A Div League 2019/20
Qatar Airways A Div League 2019/20
2020-02-01 | Dasharath Stadium | Played
Armed Police Force
Ramesh Dangal ( 43' ),
Machhindra FC
Bishal Rai B ( 47' ),
Rajin Dhimal ( 78' ),
Attendance: 1000


FULL TIME. Machhindra club wins the match 2-1. They are atop !
GOAL! Peter Segun is fouled down by Rajan Gurung. Penalty kick is awarded. Rejin Dhimal scores in a double attempt. First kick was blocked by goalie Raju Nagarkoti. Machhindra 2 APF 1.
Just 20 mins remaining on the clock. Can APF pull a sensation today ?
Time is ticking away. White Lions must win today's match if they want to fight against leaders, Nepal Army.
What a miss by Somide Adeleja. It's a clear miss. MFC should have been 2-1 up here.
GOAL! Bishal Rai levels the score for White Lions. Cheeky header that gets slight deflection off Milan Rai.
Second half starts...
HALF TIME. APF 1 Machhindra 0. Stick with us for second half action.
GOAL! Ramesh Dangal heads the ball home in a free kick. White Lions are stunned.
Free kick to APF.
Five minutes remaining for a break. Both teams are still goalless.
30 mins gone, APF are looking very spirited today. They are in big trouble this season !
Rejin Subba OUT, Buddha Raj Limbu IN - Machhindra
10 mins gone, both teams are tied at 0-0.
impressive turn out today. But not as much as expected. Should be around 1500.
White Lions are in red shirt today. APF are in white. Very very important match for both teams.
Here they go. We are seconds away from KO.
Both teams are done with warm ups and ready to enter the field.
Hello and Namaste. Welcome to you all from Dasharath stadium.